Exergame Fitness at NRPA 2016
We had an excellent time as always at NRPA 2015. Now the next annual National Recreation & Parks Association show is right around the corner – which will be held in St. Louis, Missouri, October 6-7.
Since last years show we have been around the nation at other fitness industry trade shows. Below you can find links to our media galleries on the 2016 YMCA General Assembly, IHRSA 2016, and NRPA 2015. Stay tuned for more updates on the Exergame Fitness booth at NRPA 2016!
To see our SmugMug gallery of NRPA 2015 click here for more photos and videos of the trade show.
To see our SmugMug gallery of the 2016 YMCA General Assembly show click here for more photos and videos of the trade show.
To see our SmugMug gallery of the 2016 IHRSA show click here for more photos and videos of the trade show.
Exergaming Products at the 2016 NRPA Conference
TWall 64
Train for power, agility, endurance, & more. The tWALL 64 is the perfect size for kids yet is big enough to let two or three people play at the same time.
Fit Interactive 3-Kick
Punch and Kick For A Seriously Fun Workout! 3 Kick is designed with foam pads that can be punched, kicked, slapped, or tapped.
iDance 2 Dance & Steps
iDance is a fun and challenging group exercise dance game of visual perception and physical skill. Simple to learn. Exciting to play!
Exerbike GS
Ideal for kids and teenagers, this is the perfect item to help them get used to the gym. Works with the Xbox system, play while you ride!
Improved Student Success
In all my years of working with students with emotional and behavioral issues, this intervention of exercise through Exergaming has had the most significant impact on improving behaviors of anything else I have tried. This has allowed my students to access their education, improve their mood, and make for a completely different learning environment.
Sara Thompson, Integrated Services Teacher at Lincoln Middle School
A Proven Method!
The research is clear that exercise improves mood and behavior. What’s novel about this intervention is the introduction of Exergaming as the medium to get students (many of whom are reluctant to be physically active) motivated to actually exercise on a regular basis. Rarely, in my 30 years as a principal, have I witnessed something that has had such an immediate and positive impact on both students and teachers.
Dan Lawler, Ph.D
The Kids Love It!
When we started using Exergame equipment, our enrollment in our Youth Activity Center doubled, the parents liked that the kids were more active. The kids will compete with each other to see who can get the most points! They are having fun, learning social skills, good sportsmanship and exercising at the same time!
Jamie Craig - Child Development Director, YMCA of Central Florida
A Unique Experience!
I have been very pleased with our partnership and the efforts of the Exergame Fitness Team. Our room is specifically for ages 8-12, after all our research for our new building built in 2014 there is nothing that gets the kids active and engaged like the Interactive Exergame Equipment.