Cutting-Edge Fitness for Organizations & Health Centers

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Tag: active learning

Adding Exergaming to Your Educator Toolbox – By Dan Lawler, Ph.D.

  We know, from research, that exercise activates the attention system, increases focus, modulates mood, improves behavior, and enhances memory and learning. Increasingly, schools, and in particular special education programs, are beginning to understand the value of exercise as an intervention. Yet there is still reluctance to allow students time for exercise in the school day, a result of the…

PEP Grant Winner Riverdale School District Installs Interactive Fitness

  The Riverdale School District is a small school district in southwest Wisconsin, but always has BIG PLANS for their Physical Education program.  The District has a  commitment to creating quality, personalized learning rooted in rich curriculum and innovative learning opportunities.  One of the largest impacts they have had on the school district over the past few years was becoming…

Exergame Fitness is leading a new movement incorporating technology into fitness. We provide a new way to engage people in fitness, through gamification and technology. By doing this, we create socially engaging, supportive, and inviting fitness communities worldwide


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