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Cutting-Edge Fitness for Organizations & Health Centers

Makoto Arena Interactive Gaming for Physical Therapy and Rehab

  Over the past decade, the concept of neuroplasticity – our ability to repair and re-grow neurological pathways – has advanced from hypothesis to accepted theory. Studies of therapies which combine cross-body movements with visual and auditory stimulus using the Makoto Arena, show significant improvement in visual, cardiovascular, and neurological performance. These improvements include the areas of memory, proprioception, cognitive…

Boulder Valley School District – Meadowlark Implements Exercise Learning Centers

Meadowlark School is a collaborative learning community providing an innovative, meaningful, and engaging student-led educational experience.  This school in Boulder Valley School District inspires their students to pursue their passions and develop 21st century skills including communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity to solve authentic, real-world problems and to make positive, meaningful contributions in our global community. Exergame Fitness was honored…

Levy Special Education Center Uses tWall for Sensory Room

  The mission of the Levy Special Education Center in Wichita, Kansas is to provide a safe and stimulating learning environment which promotes dignity and respect for the students and where individual needs of each student are met by a team of highly skilled, and caring professionals in ways that are purposeful, meaningful, and long lasting. Here at the Levy…

Exergaming: A Tool for Educational Challenges of ADHD

By Dan Lawler, PhD “Schools can be an excruciating experience for kids with ADHD,” notes John Ratey, MD, of Harvard Medical School and author of SPARK:  The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain.  It’s not that students with ADHD can’t focus, but that they can’t focus on command.  They are wired differently and working with that physiology can…

Exergaming and the “Turned On” Brain By Dan Lawler, Ph.D.

When I observed the positive effects our Exergaming lab had on our elementary school, I was convinced that every student should have access to this type of lab.  Nothing I had observed before motivated students to exercise with the enthusiasm and spirit that this lab created.  The lab had a remarkable impact on our student body’s commitment to exercise and…

Exergame Fitness is leading a new movement incorporating technology into fitness. We provide a new way to engage people in fitness, through gamification and technology. By doing this, we create socially engaging, supportive, and inviting fitness communities worldwide


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