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Cutting-Edge Fitness for Organizations & Health Centers

2019 Exergame and Interactive Fitness Gaming Highlights

Hope your Holiday Season has started off on a high note! As we roll into 2020 I wanted to take a little time to thank everyone for keeping up to date on how Exergaming is transforming non-profits, schools, and health clubs around the country. 2019 has been a great year but there is MORE that can be done from our…

How c and Gaming Can Impact Membership

The single greatest advantage interactive fitness and exergaming has over traditional forms of exercise is that they’re not just physical activities — they’re also a form of fun!  Exergames and similar activity-based video games offer participants a much higher level of engagement than regular exercise, which significantly reduces the level of perceived exertion in players. As a result of interactive…

From NRPA Show to Install, Fitness and Gaming at Hilton Head

  The NRPA Annual Conference is where people who are passionate about not only parks and recreation, but also conservation, health, landscape architecture; people like Leah Arnold. In meeting with Leah Arnold the Recreation Director at the Hilton Head Island Parks and Recreation, she expressed her desire to bring something new and fun to fitness for their youth.  Enter Exergame…

Park District Recreation Program for Youth, Teens, and Families

The NRPA, (National Recreation and Park Association) is the leading non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of public parks, recreation and conservation.  The NRPA Annual Conference is where people who are passionate about not only parks and recreation, but also conservation, health, landscape architecture.  Here we met with Hilton Head Island Recreation program on bringing the concept of Exergame and…

NRPA – From Concept to Completion with Exergame Park District Program

The NRPA, (National Recreation and Park Association) is the leading non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of public parks, recreation and conservation.  The NRPA Annual Conference is where people who are passionate about not only parks and recreation, but also conservation, health, landscape architecture. It was here a few years ago that we met the Hilton Head Parks and Recreation…

2016 IAAPA Expo & Athletic Business Shows

We have officially been done with exhibiting at trade shows for a little over a month now. Our last trade show we were present at was the 2016 NRPA Conference in St. Louis last month. Take a look at our media gallery of that event here, it was a great time and we met some dedicated individuals. To finish our…

2016 NRPA Conference: Follow-Up & Thanks

  Another year, another NRPA Conference, and another successful trade show for Exergame Fitness. We exhibited at the 2016 NRPA Conference at booth #2604 – showing the parks and rec experts what interactive fitness and exergaming can do for their kids & communities. Located close to home for us, this year’s conference was held in St. Louis, MO, giving us the…

Exergame Presentation at IPRA 2016

For once Exergame Fitness gets the chance to attend a big trade show right in our backyard in Chicago, usually we are traveling all over the country, but now we have time to comfortably prepare ourselves. The Illinois Park and Recreation Association Show will be open from January 28th-30th and will be hosted by the Hyatt Regency Chicago. The activities include…

Post-NRPA Conference 2015 Highlights – Exergame Fitness

Last week was the NRPA Conference 2015 in Las Vegas and we had a fantastic time showing off our interactive fitness products. The T-Wall and the Pavigym 3.0 were at our booth and the attendees loved playing with them. We even had our friend Dan Polerecky from Pavigym come to help showcase the product, the Pavigym Square 3.0. The NRPA Conference 2015…

Exergame Fitness is leading a new movement incorporating technology into fitness. We provide a new way to engage people in fitness, through gamification and technology. By doing this, we create socially engaging, supportive, and inviting fitness communities worldwide


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