The Albert Lea Family Y is part of a worldwide fellowship united for the purpose of building a Christian society and developing in people those qualities of Christian personality exemplified in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
Recently the Albert Lea YMCA added some fitness gaming equipment to their youth development program to increase physical activity in not only the youth, but the adults as well!
Whether you have a kids fitness center or an adult gym, the Heavyball interactive fitness product will get your clients excited about exercising. The object of this fun, interactive game is to put the medicine ball into the hole with the light on and retrieve it from the archway below. Then, quickly move it to the next hole with the light on. It is a great training tool for lateral movement and squatting. With the ability to start simple, your clients will get to customize their own workout program. It’s also a great tool to use for athletes.
Do you want to help people enhance their fitness regimen? If you have kids at your fitness facility, then the T-WALL 32 will help to push each of them to their limits and help them reach new heights in fitness. The T-WALL 32 is a great machine to help people who want to get into shape focus on different areas of their body that they want to perfect. Whether training for power, agility, endurance, flexibility, or reaction, T-WALL 32 tests your personal limits resulting in the ultimate fitness gaming platform for any challenge. To learn more about what this machine can do for those at your facility, watch our video below.
Contact us to learn more about how interactive fitness can change your exercise culture!