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Cutting-Edge Fitness for Organizations & Health Centers

Makoto – Great for ADD and ADHD Kids

The Makoto is a triangle, 8 feet from base to apex, with indestructible 6-ft. steel posts rising from each corner. Using your hands, feet, and/or staff, you respond to audio and visual prompts from each post. Your reaction time and accuracy (actually hitting the lighted area) are measured electronically, so you can compete with yourself or others. The speed of…

Motivatrix – New Kids Fitness Product

Motivatrix® The MX9 Workout Master mimics existing DDR systems in design, but it manages to feature a number of internal games inside to keep your workout sessions fresh. Additionally, the machine not only recognizes fancy footwork, but built-in sensors can understand arm flailing as well, and you can even “jam out to your own music” while breakin’ a sweat. Most…

Old-Fashioned Fitness – Exergaming

Old-fashioned fitness Are treadmills and more video games really what we want for our children? What’s wrong with turning off the TVs, computers and video games? Anne Jarvis, Special to The Windsor Star Published: Saturday, March 29, 2008 I have a friend whose son would rather play video games than play hockey with his dad. I know kids as young…

Exergaming Products for YMCA’s, Schools, JCC’s, Kids Fitness Zones and Health Clubs

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact Person: Thomas Seilheimer Jr. (CEO) Company Name: Exergame Fitness USA Telephone Number: (866) 245-3036 Fax Number: (630) 282-0482 Email Address: Web site address: Exergaming Products for YMCA’s, Schools, JCC’s, Kids Fitness Zones and Health Clubs Exergame Fitness is the country’s largest distributor of Exergame fitness products. We provide Facility Planning & Installation, Grant…

The New TRAQ 3D – Availabe at

TRAQ 3D is the first technology-based experience to truly capitalize on the movement is life concept. The ability to effectively move is essential for successful sports participation and an active, healthy lifestyle. But it is also essential for improved health and safety, and, where desired, truly permanent weight loss. Modern training programs emphasize the development of strength, power and endurance.…

Get in the Zone – XRtainment Zone

Though Ernie Medina Jr. has never been a gamer or owned a PlayStation, he has brought the latest in video games to the Inland Empire. Medina’s mission isn’t just about fun, but also fitness. His 8,000-square-foot XRtainment Zone in Redlands serves as a high-tech laboratory where Medina and other researchers examine the health benefits of video games. Products like these…

Today Show on Exergaming for Health

For more information on Exergaming Health Products: Exergame Fitness 4004 West North Ave Stone Park, IL 60165 Toll-Free: 1.866.245.3036 Fax: 1-630.282.0482 E-Mail: Website: Exergame Fitness USA Exergaming Research & Testing Center 530 West Colfax Palatine, IL. 60067 Office: 847.963.8969 x1103 Fax: 847.963.8966 Cellular: 630.408.9995

Exergames Help Kids Lose Weight

Dance Dance Revolution, a video game in which players compete to keep up with dance steps synched to popular music, is helping kids lose weight. West Virginia school officials implemented Dance Dance Revolution in all public schools as part of a statewide physical education initiative. An evaluation of the program found that the games improve the fitness levels of regular…


Stand Up & Learn Since the advent of TVs, VCRs, and computers, we have seen an increase in anxiety and affective disorders that mirror the increase of ADD and ADHD. It’s not just kids; adults have been affected as well. Movement and balance appear to be the key to appropriate brain development. Physical activity and cognition are essentially the same…

Exergame Fitness is leading a new movement incorporating technology into fitness. We provide a new way to engage people in fitness, through gamification and technology. By doing this, we create socially engaging, supportive, and inviting fitness communities worldwide


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