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Cutting-Edge Fitness for Organizations & Health Centers

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Exergaming Network Blog

Success Stories: Seattle YMCA Association

One of our biggest markets for years has been YMCA associations across the United States. Of these associations, there are several that have taken in the concept of Exergaming and spread it throughout locations in their association. The fastest growing Exergaming rooms are taking place in the Seattle YMCA Association, we have installed Exergaming rooms and interactive fitness equipment at the…

Exergame Events: America’s Leadership Conference 2017

Today our sales team happily returns home back in Chicago, after a long week of trade shows. Late last week we returned to the annual IHRSA Fitness Industry trade show. Directly after this show ended we traveled north to San Fransisco for the 2017 Hilton ALC – America’s Leadership Conference.  This conference had tons of speakers and suppliers exhibit different products, services,…

Exergame Events: IHRSA 2017 & Reaxing Fitness

Last week our sales team made the journey out to California to the annual IHRSA Fitness Industry show in Los Angeles. Unlike last year, we did attend as an exhibitor with a booth, but rather a to browse the show. This gave us a better chance to network, check out new products/technologies, and as well as catch up on the industry…

Reaxing Fitness & Polar Tracking – Naperville Fitness Show 2017

Last week we once again attended the Sport & Fitness trade show at the Naperville High School in Naperville, IL. An annual tradition of giving students and institute day and allowing companies and organizations from the sports & fitness industry, to present products/concepts. Since this is in our neck of the woods we try to make it to this show every…

UpDown App – How to Connect to Exergames

1. Open app & create a login (Connect with Facebook option available) 2.  Select “CHANNELS” tab. 3. Search “EXERGAME” & select our channel. 4. “SUBSCRIBE” to the Exergame Channel. 5. Select a Workout of the Week (or whichever Exergame workout you’d like). 6. Select “START WORKOUT”. 7. Enjoy your interactive Exergame workout!

Australian Open 2017 Exergaming

Currently, an international tournament of tennis is happening right now is Australia. They are continuing their tradition of the Austrailian Open in Melbourne, Australia. This is a massive event that spans from January 16th-29th with tons of matches across different divisions happening each day, AND across several sites. Just take a look here at the different stadiums and grounds maps…

Virgin Active Exergaming

At the end of the month in November we collaborated with the worldwide conglomerate, Virgin Active, to install an Exergaming room in their new large cutting edge fitness facility in Bangkok. This is a part of a huge plan to open 20+ new innovating fitness clubs across Thailand over the next 5-6 years. Here is a quote from a press…

T-Wall Rental at Toyota Motorshow – Saudi Arabia

Once again we have rented out some T-Wall units on the other side of the world for some exciting marketing events. The most recent event we helped out with was the Grand Opening of a Reebok retail store in South Korea. This week our T-Walls are making an appearance at the 30th Annual Riyadh Motor Show in Saudi Arabia at the…

2016 IAAPA Expo & Athletic Business Shows

We have officially been done with exhibiting at trade shows for a little over a month now. Our last trade show we were present at was the 2016 NRPA Conference in St. Louis last month. Take a look at our media gallery of that event here, it was a great time and we met some dedicated individuals. To finish our…

Exergame Salutes the Marine Corps Birthday & Military Personal

Tomorrow on the 10th of November marks the 241st birthday for the United States Marine Corps. First of all we would like to thank all of those in all armed forces who are serving our great country. Please watch the video below – a message from the Marines to show thanks. The General of the United States Marine Corps, Robert B.…

2016 NRPA Conference: Follow-Up & Thanks

  Another year, another NRPA Conference, and another successful trade show for Exergame Fitness. We exhibited at the 2016 NRPA Conference at booth #2604 – showing the parks and rec experts what interactive fitness and exergaming can do for their kids & communities. Located close to home for us, this year’s conference was held in St. Louis, MO, giving us the…

Exergame Marketing: Exxon Mobil Event

Recently Exergame Fitness was able to assist in another great corporate marketing event, this time with Exxon Mobil! With all the recent marketing events we have helped out with recently, including our 2nd annual T-Wall at NASCAR and a T-Wall at a grand opening of a Reebok store, this is very exciting to be a part of. Check out our other…

Exergame Fitness is leading a new movement incorporating technology into fitness. We provide a new way to engage people in fitness, through gamification and technology. By doing this, we create socially engaging, supportive, and inviting fitness communities worldwide


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