Since March of 2020 Congress has set aside billions of dollars allotted to the Education Stabilization Fund through the Coronavirus Aid Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) Fund. The Department awarded these grants to State educational agencies (SEAs) for the purpose of providing local educational agencies (LEAs), including charter schools that are LEAs, with emergency relief funds to address the impact that COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on elementary and secondary schools across the Nation.
If your school district is increasing its investments in social-emotional learning (SEL) for the upcoming 2022/2023 school year, you may be looking for effective SEL interventions for use in the classroom or throughout the rest of the school.
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is a critical aspect of educating today’s children and a key component can be health and physical activity based programs.
School can be the first place a kid learns about health and wellness. It’s extremely important that students begin to engage in fitness at an early age. By providing active games for kids, they will be healthier and learn to develop a lifetime love of fitness. Kids who workout consistently or engage in fitness will turn into healthy adults who like to work out, especially when they engage in activities through Exergame Fitness. Exergame has been proven to enhance academic improvement by building new brain cells and neurological connections that increase learning, memory, and critical thinking.
One way to see significant improvement in results when trying to create a positive classroom atmosphere is by planning exercise based lessons that naturally work with SEL competencies within the PE classroom, and or Exergame Labs; rather than simply adding an SEL strategies at the last minute.
Creating a space that is a student-centered environment, where children apply these ideas within activities helps deepen understanding and increases the chance of retaining the information.
Exergaming has been proven to enhance academic performance by building new brain cells and neurological connections that increase learning, memory, and critical thinking.
Exergaming also encourages family participation, bonding, and social integration among peers. Physical activity is the natural way to prevent the negative consequences of stress, attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder, and other behavioral issues.