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Game is Not a ‘Four-letter’ Word: Good-Gaming Gives Opportunities to Impact Health

Presented by: Stephen Yang, PhD-ABD
Assistant Professor, SUNY Cortland

Stephen P. Yang is an assistant professor at the State University of New York College at Cortland (SUNY Cortland) and he researches the effectiveness of using exergames/active games for healthy benefits. The state of exergaming is a relatively new area of interest for researchers; however, Yang has been active in the field since its infancy and has published several papers and abstracts and presented posters and workshops both internationally and nationally. In 2009-2010, he was invited to speak at several conferences including Game Developers Conference, Journal of Health Promotion Conference, NCTI Technology Innovators Conference, and two events in Seoul, South Korea for the Korean Serious Games Festival and Continua Alliance Meeting. Another group he works closely with is the Games for Health (GFH) Project which is part of the Serious Games Initiative and is sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. He also consults with video game developers, toy companies, and exergame companies on products and services for several populations.

In recognition of his knowledge and expertise, he was recently appointed to the Board of Advisors of Exergame Fitness. Yang is a founding member of the ExerGame Network (TEN) and has been interviewed on national television (Good Morning America Health, New York), morning television (Fox 45 Baltimore), radio (Into Tomorrow), newspaper (USA Today), online magazine (Chicago Tribune), print magazine (Oprah Magazine), and video. Throughout all his research and collaborations, Yang wishes to see how exergames can be used to inspire people of all ages and abilities to be active and healthy for a lifetime. As co-director of the ExerGame Lab, Yang investigates how to best use the latest exergames and gaming technologies for children, adolescents, and adults with and without disabilities and he keeps the exergaming world up to date on

His talk “Game is Not a ‘Four-letter’ Word: Good-Gaming Gives Opportunities to Impact Health,” will focus broadly on the current use of games and technology for healthy benefits, as well as describe how newer forms of persuasive and pervasive technology might further impact health goals and outcomes.

Lunch provided.

Original Article Here

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Exergame Fitness is leading a new movement incorporating technology into fitness. We provide a new way to engage people in fitness, through gamification and technology. By doing this, we create socially engaging, supportive, and inviting fitness communities worldwide


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