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Cutting-Edge Fitness for Organizations & Health Centers

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Holiday Exergaming Fun at Knuckleheads Gym


Imagine a child-friendly exercise room withcomputer-generated devices that make kids look forward to exercising.  Well that is exactly what you will find at Knuckleheads Gym!

Knuckleheads provides a fun gym workout experience for kidsby using the latest interactive computer game/exercise technology. Knuckleheads is the place where everyone can have fun, get in shape and meet new friends. Sowhether your child is a rising young athlete or is someone who just wants moreactivity in their week, Knuckleheads has a work-out program designed to matchtheir needs.

When Knuckleheads Gym was trying to figure out which wouldbe the latest and greatest Exergaming products they came to the leader in theindustry, Exergame Fitness.

Exergame Fitness is devoted to improving the fitness,performance, health, and well-being of all customers and clients. Ourhigh-quality Exergaming products are designed to provide outstanding physicalperformance and a beneficial learning experience. We will continue to provideYMCA’s, JCC’s, Gov’t/Military, rehab centers, fitness professionals, physicaleducators, coaches, recreation directors, and all customers with the bestperforming, highest quality, and most durable Exergaming products available. Someof the products that make it possible for professionals to efficiently andeffectively reach their goals and for kids, teens and adults to reach theirfull potential are products like Target Trainer, FIT Interactive, iDANCE, Lightspace Play, Exerbikes, Treadwall, and other top Exergaming Products.

The Target Trainer has the latest innovations in group play& individual training programs. Hundreds of curriculums can easily beaccessed using the Target Trainer.

Health Clubs can now offer a fresh new alternative of funwhile getting an awesome full body workout, through the FIT Interactive line ofthe 3Kick, Heavyball, and Jump Q.

Lightspace Play is a revolutionary entertainment system thatcombines the latest display and interactive technologies to produce arecreational experience that will provide hours of fun for children and adultsof all ages. The system is capable of storing and running a potentiallylimitless variety of games and interactive programs that can be used by anynumber of participants simultaneously.

The Positive Gaming iDANCE Multiplayer concept is a revolutionary Exergamingsystem that was designed specifically for environments such as Schools, YMCA’s,JCCs, Park Districts and Health Clubs. It is unique in many facets includingthe fact that it provides the user with a combination of physical, social andcognitive benefits and that it accommodates up to 32-players at once on up to 3separate difficulty levels with real-time performance feedback.

Pedal to play! It’s really that simple. The all new USA made Exerbike is a commercial-grade game bike designed to bringcompetitive fun and stunning Playstation graphics back into kids’ interactivefitness. Using the superior power and technology of the Playstation 3 users canplay their favorite racing, boating, motorcycle and biking games whileachieving a great cardio workout without them knowing it

Treadwall, our world-famous line of rotating walls, incorporateNatural Pace Technology for self-paced, motor-less climbing with adjustableangles and holds.

Knuckleheads Gym is an affordable membership based “dropoff” gym that combines the technology of video games and flat screen TV’s withsports equipment designed specifically for kids. From the non-athlete to theextremely athletic child, personal trainers incorporate their expertise instaying fit with the high energy fun that kids can’t get enough of. FromSaturday night “Kids Night Out” to AWESOME birthday parties, not only do kidsleave knuckleheads sweaty, happy and wanting to come back, they moreimportantly build self-esteem!


Pictures of Knuckleheads Gym Installation

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Exergame Fitness is leading a new movement incorporating technology into fitness. We provide a new way to engage people in fitness, through gamification and technology. By doing this, we create socially engaging, supportive, and inviting fitness communities worldwide


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