Cutting-Edge Fitness for Organizations & Health Centers

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Play Games to Get Healthy

Play games? Yes,playing games can improve your fitness and overall health.  The AmericanMedical Association strongly supports prevention and wellness efforts topromote a healthy America, including the promotion of physical fitness, andactivity-based games (Exergames) offer a fun and engaging way for kids, adults,and seniors to increase their physical activity.

Physical activityhas been shown to help reduce many health risks, including diabetes, heartdisease, and many cancers. Walking is an easy way for the majority of people tobe more active and gain the associated health benefits and is a great way tostart a physical fitness program, but it, alone, may not be enough according toa new Center for Disease Control and Prevention report. AddingExergaming products to your program might be just what’s needed to assurefitness.

Successful commercial Exergame products and programs have beenused for years at schools and outside of-school programs (e.g. YMCA, JCC, Parksand Rec, Boys and Girls Clubs, Salvation Army) across the country.

Now health clubs are taking notice by including group Exergameclasses to give their members a better fitness experience.  Group interactive fitness products likeiDANCE and WebRacing Exergame Cycles change the way members participate in,compete in, and share their fitness workouts. The addition of these products has lead members to not only maintaintheir club memberships, but also to sustain their physical fitness programs.

“Members will play these games over and over because they arecompeting against themselves, participating in a group, and they are having fun– all while exercising,” says Ed Kasanders, CEO of Motion Fitness.  “The clubs will have engaged members who willshare and network their Exergame class with friends, family, andcommunity.  This is a powerful tool forclubs to get marketing exposure.  If theyhave multiple locations, they can compete against each other or accumulatescores and/or activity for a fund raiser.

“TVs and music are great ways to get members to participate oncardio products in clubs, but the members are just doing it because they knowthat they have to work out to improve their fitness.  With Exergames, members want to play and can’twait for the next workout.  They arefully involved in this interactive dynamic. Exergaming provides perfect active game play, leading to improvedfitness,” adds Kasanders.


Group dance and step for up to 32 users, iDANCE is an entertainingand motivating workout game that combines exercise with dancing and representsa great way to work out your whole body. Feedback on one’s success during play is provided during the whole game(song), and the rankings are displayed, lending a competitive feature to thisdynamic acitivity.

AboutWebRacing Exergame Cycles

WebRacing Exergame System offers the best in multi-user groupcycle racing.  Experience PelotonMulti-Ride, a virtual community experience that makes workouts  engaging, fun, and effective.  Accurate workout data is calculated anddisplayed during the ride and recorded for review later.  (4-16 users)

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Exergame Fitness is leading a new movement incorporating technology into fitness. We provide a new way to engage people in fitness, through gamification and technology. By doing this, we create socially engaging, supportive, and inviting fitness communities worldwide


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