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Cutting-Edge Fitness for Organizations & Health Centers

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Tag: cycling

BrainBike: Exercise for the Brain and the Body by Dan Lawler, Ph.D.

Most oftenwellness programs focus on improving employee fitness levels along withemphasizing good nutrition.  Seldom isany specific attention given to retaining and improving the functions of thebrain. “A life-long commitment tostimulating brain activity contributes to quality of life, especially in thelater years. Exercises that promote brain health vary widely and include physicalactivities such as walking and intellectually stimulating activities. Amongother benefits, brain…

BrainBike™ – An Innovative Brain and Fitness Option

By Dan Lawler, Ph.D. Education Consultant Exercise 4 Learning The NeuroActive BrainBike™ is an exercise bike that trains the body and brain for fitness. The BrainBike™ was engineered by Dr. Stephane Bergeron, MD, president of Brain Center America (BCA), and a team of international brain specialists. It is designed to improve user’s memory, concentration, multitasking, and a complete range of mental…

BrainBike® as Part of an ExerGaming® Lab

By Dan Lawler, Ph.D. Education Consultant Exercise4Learning™ As an elementary principal one of the most exciting interventions I have ever experienced was the implementation of our Exergaming® lab.  Our school, not unlike many across America, had a minimal amount of minutes that students were receiving physical education.  As a community, because of financial reasons, we saw little opportunity to increase…

Exergame Fitness is leading a new movement incorporating technology into fitness. We provide a new way to engage people in fitness, through gamification and technology. By doing this, we create socially engaging, supportive, and inviting fitness communities worldwide


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