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Cutting-Edge Fitness for Organizations & Health Centers

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Tag: general assembly

2016 YMCA General Assembly Exergaming Highlights

It has now been about a week since the 2016 YMCA General Assembly in Kansas City. Now that we were able to take a breather as well as all the attendees and vistors, it is time to think about how the show went! First of all, we must say thank you again to every single person that made it to our booth…

Coming Soon: Countryside YMCA

Sometimes we get so excited about installations that we can’t help but talk about it. Though it is down the road a bit we just wanted to introduce the Countryside YMCA Exergaming Room. The Countryside YMCA being one of the biggest Y organization in the country this is a huge step for us, them, and the world of interactive fitness…

Exergame Fitness at YMCA General Assembly 2016

Every 3 years the YMCA Association holds their own YMCA General Assembly, and we are excited to once again be apart of this fantastic gathering of passionate people. The Assembly focuses on youth fitness and development like many of the YMCAs across the nation do, the YMCA association sees the importance in investing in our youth for the future. Exergame…

The 2010 YMCA General Assembly Was Introduced to Exergaming

This year 2010 YMCA General Assembly was held in beautiful Salt Lake City, Utah July 8th -10th at the Salt Palace Convention Center. The General Assembly of YMCAs is the premiere celebration of the YMCA Movement in the United States, designed to inspire, rejuvenate and affirm each attendee’s passion for YMCA work and provide meaningful connections to others in the…

Exergame Fitness is leading a new movement incorporating technology into fitness. We provide a new way to engage people in fitness, through gamification and technology. By doing this, we create socially engaging, supportive, and inviting fitness communities worldwide


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