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At Tier 3, the goal is remediation of existing problems and prevention of more severe problems or the development of secondary concerns as a result of persistent problems. Going into any school year without an effective Intervention Strategies is like taking the field without a well thought out game plan, and it never ends well. As we get back to school—whether in person, virtually, or a hybrid—we must prioritize the social–emotional needs of our students and staff members.

There is a good chance that your school or district is involved with one of the two most common models—response to intervention (RTI) or multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS).

Tier 2 interventions are the additional programs or strategies provided to each student who might require support in addition to the normal school day structure. The idea behind tier 2 interventions is to reduce the risk of academic or behavior problems.

Exergaming encourages individual student participation, bonding, and social integration among peers. Physical activity is the natural way to prevent the negative consequences of stress, attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder, and other behavioral issues.

At Tier 3, the goal is reworking of existing problems and prevention strategies of more severe issues that develop secondary concerns as a result of persistent problems in the school.

Tier 3 interventions can include sit-stand desks, introduction of exercise during breaks, reducing sitting at students desk, and applying Exergame and exercise based labs that achieve specified levels of physical activity.

Studies show Exergaming provides an improvement in three key areas: Health, Academics, and Social Behavior.

Any new school year will present different challenges on a variety of levels, whether schools are in person or virtual. Meeting students’ social, emotional, and mental health needs will be extremely important to ensuring their well-being and their ability to focus on and succeed with learning during this unusual time.

  • Put the Fun Into Fitness!

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Exergame Fitness is leading a new movement incorporating technology into fitness. We provide a new way to engage people in fitness, through gamification and technology. By doing this, we create socially engaging, supportive, and inviting fitness communities worldwide


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