TWall® – Discover the unique concept of optimizing movement, fitness and reaction . . . TWall. The rules for Twall are simple but challenging: on a wall with numerous touch surfaces, red signals light up in sequence of varying positions and speeds.
Your task: deactivate the light as soon as it appears by quick touch (T=touch). Act and react as quick as you can.
Whether training for power, agility, endurance, flexibility, or reaction, T-wall tests your personal limits resulting in the ultimate fitness gaming platform for any challenge. This universal training tool provides a fantastic cardio workout across numerous applications, including Exergaming, sports, fitness and rehabilitation.
T-wall was developed by a team of engineers, athletes and fitness professionals for the interactive sports training and Exergame
The TWALL is available at
Exergame Fitness USA
Exergaming Research & Testing Center
530 West Colfax
Palatine, IL. 60067
Office: 847.963.8969 x1103
Fax: 847.963.8966
Cellular: 630.408.9995