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Cutting-Edge Fitness for Organizations & Health Centers

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What is the Heavy Ball And How Can It Be Useful?

The Heavy Ball is a fresh alternative for full body and strength workouts. Whether you have a sports performance center or kids fitness center, this exergaming product will take your workout to the next level.

It’s a pretty simple game: The objective is to put the medicine ball into the hole with the light on and then quickly move it to the next hole with the light on. This exergame can help athletes improve lateral quickness and improve lower body strength. You can create your own fitness plan, as the game moves as quickly as the player.


-Simple gameplay

-Multiple players can play at once, creating a friendly competition

-You can hook up your iPhone to the speakers so you can play your own music while playing!

The Heavy Ball is a great exergaming product for all ages to try. Contact us today to learn more!

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Exergame Fitness is leading a new movement incorporating technology into fitness. We provide a new way to engage people in fitness, through gamification and technology. By doing this, we create socially engaging, supportive, and inviting fitness communities worldwide


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