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Cutting-Edge Fitness for Organizations & Health Centers

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Exergaming Experts Blog

eSports Revolution and the Growth of Gaming in Fitness

Esports is a form of sport competition using video games. Esports often takes the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between professional players, individually or as teams. As this growth continues we have seen the cross intersection of both gaming and the fitness world.  In fact, Exergame and eSports were just named one of the largest growing fitness…

John Ratey – How Exercise can Transform our Schools

While exercise is good for the entire body, Dr. John J. Ratey, MD, says it is more important for the brain, especially when it comes to students in schools. Using scientific studies and real life examples, this internationally recognized doctor in the brain-exercise connection demonstrates how we can raise test scores and lower behavioral problems. Learn about how more exercise…

Adding Exergaming to Your Educator Toolbox – By Dan Lawler, Ph.D.

  We know, from research, that exercise activates the attention system, increases focus, modulates mood, improves behavior, and enhances memory and learning. Increasingly, schools, and in particular special education programs, are beginning to understand the value of exercise as an intervention. Yet there is still reluctance to allow students time for exercise in the school day, a result of the…

2016 Exergame Youth Obesity Report

Youth Fitness & Childhood Obesity have been two huge focuses of Exergame Fitness since the beginning. It has been awhile since we have touched on this so we put together a short infographic (below) that highlights some of the alarming statistics of childhood obesity in our nation. If you would like to view the full resolution version of the infographic,…

Another Tool for the Educators’ Toolbox

Our great Exergaming friend, Dan Lawler Ph.D. has written another piece of Exergaming. This blog focuses on the Exergaming industry starting to focus more of SPED programs in school districts. We think this is an exciting new direction to bring the industry in, read on and tell us what you think! Another Tool for the Educators’ Toolbox By Dan Lawler,…

The Power of Vision – Dan Lawler, Ph.D.

Dan is great friend in the Exergaming world, he understands its value and pushes for people to see it. One of our more recent installations was at the Estes Park Middle School – their Exercise Learning Center, and Dan explains how it can to be and why. Click here to see our SmugMug photo gallery of the ELC, and click here to…

Exergaming: A Tool for Educational Challenges of ADHD

By Dan Lawler, PhD “Schools can be an excruciating experience for kids with ADHD,” notes John Ratey, MD, of Harvard Medical School and author of SPARK:  The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain.  It’s not that students with ADHD can’t focus, but that they can’t focus on command.  They are wired differently and working with that physiology can…

The Science Is Leading Us to Change

The brain is the body’s most active organ and thus requires the most energy to function well.  The brain is estimated to account for 2% of our body’s weight but uses 20-30% of our body’s energy.  Because the brain doesn’t store oxygen and glucose, it requires the bloodstream to provide the necessary requirements to function well. What’s becoming more and…

Exergame Playground Solution – A Place Of Their Own

The next generation of fitness is here; it’s the wearable technology, or the Spivi Virtual Indoor Cycling classes. It’s interactive fitness equipment like Exerbike or iDance or even home fitness like the Nintendo Wii. If the current generation of adults are integrating this much technology into fitness routines, it would only make sense to have a solution on how to…

Exergame Fitness is leading a new movement incorporating technology into fitness. We provide a new way to engage people in fitness, through gamification and technology. By doing this, we create socially engaging, supportive, and inviting fitness communities worldwide


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