Cutting-Edge Fitness for Organizations & Health Centers

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Exergaming Report

YMCA General Assembly Is Today! Stop by Booth 613 to Visit Exergame

The time is finally here!  YMCAs across the country continue to invest in exergaming and interactive fitness options for their members. For programs focusing on Youth Development, Healthy Living, and Social Responsibility, Exergaming is the solution for you! The trade show opens TODAY!  So stop on by Booth 613 to learn more about how fitness gaming solutions can enhance your…

Using Interactive Fitness for Brain Training Cognitive Function

Brain training refers to cognitive training that uses intense mental exercises to target and work on the brain’s cognitive skills. Having strong cognitive skills is critical because they’re the skills the brain uses to read, learn, remember, reason, and pay attention. The skills targeted by brain training include: attention skills, long and short-term memory, focus, and processing speed. One new…

How Interactive Gaming Can Be Beneficial for Brain Function In Older Adults

  A recent study led my University of Manchester in the United Kingdom concluded that using Exergame equipment can boost brain function in older adults with cognitive impairments as well as maintain cognitive health in aging populations. Some findings included that older users’ balance, pain and confidence significantly improved after 12 weeks of using the equipment. Also, there were small…

Integrating ExerGaming with Instruction: One Model

By Dan Lawler, Ph.D. This school year a Title I teacher in Colorado will beintegrating into her teaching both effective practices in literacy instructionand current research on how exercise prepares the brain for learning.   She is a strong literacy teacher, longgrounded in strategies that have been supported by research in readinginstruction.   This year she is excitedto add this new dimension…

Model Physical Education Program Demonstration Days

One of the long standing professional strengths of educators is their willingness to share ideas and programs that are working with other teachers and principals. This professional courtesy has helped thousands of other schools and children to benefit from the original school’s hard work and success.  For example, if a school is getting great results in reading the school and teachers…

Motivation Through Exergaming

By Dan Lawler Ph.D. Every teacher in every classroom eventually faces the dilemma of how to motivate the uninspired student.   Often teachers look to utilizing positive rewards as a means to increase desired behaviors.  Some traditional strategies, especially at the elementary level, include longer recess, special seats, positive phone call home, lunch with the teacher, and positive verbal feedback.  Extrinsic…

Physical Education Pre Conference Exergame Workshop

Thursday March 1, 2012, 8:30am to3:30pm PreconferenceEvent to the DuPage County PE Institute Day (Naperville, IL) on March 2,2012 This Professional Development / Exergame Education Workshopshows you the exciting possibilities of how using technology, combined withgames, and physical activity can enhance and enrich the lives of generations. Exergame Education Workshop Date: March 1, 2012 Time: 8:30am to 3:30pm Location: Bulls Sox Training Academy 6200 River Bend…

Welcome to Physical Education Heaven

It’s my annual Year in Review of Sierra Vista Jr. High’s Physical Education program.  It has been a year to remember.  So many exciting new partnerships and programs that we have added to continue in making our Physical Education program “PE Heaven”! August-December We fully implemented the Cardio GX System by Polar in our Fitness Center and in our Gym…

The Adults Must Know What They Are Doing, Don’t They?

If we’re listening to the experts, all the evidence points to the importance of increasing physical education/physical activity (PE/PA) in our schools.   A compelling body of research shows that, as fitness increases, achievement increases, behavior issues decrease, and wellness increases.  Utilizing this research is one of the most compelling reasons for school administrators to use budget funds to increase PE…

Exergaming and the “Turned On” Brain By Dan Lawler, Ph.D.

When I observed the positive effects our Exergaming lab had on our elementary school, I was convinced that every student should have access to this type of lab.  Nothing I had observed before motivated students to exercise with the enthusiasm and spirit that this lab created.  The lab had a remarkable impact on our student body’s commitment to exercise and…

Congrats to Phil Lawler – Lifetime Achievement Award

Madison Junior High School commemorated its 30th anniversary Monday with a celebration that often focused on the lifetime achievements of Phil Lawler. Lawler is a member of the original Madison faculty, a retired District 203 physical education coordinator and the director of education and training for PE4life, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the development of quality, daily physical education programs…

Exergame Fitness is leading a new movement incorporating technology into fitness. We provide a new way to engage people in fitness, through gamification and technology. By doing this, we create socially engaging, supportive, and inviting fitness communities worldwide


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