Thursday March 1, 2012, 8:30am to3:30pm
PreconferenceEvent to the DuPage County PE Institute Day (Naperville, IL) on March 2,2012
This Professional Development / Exergame Education Workshopshows you the exciting possibilities of how using technology, combined withgames, and physical activity can enhance and enrich the lives of generations.
Exergame Education Workshop
Date: March 1, 2012
Time: 8:30am to 3:30pm
Location: Bulls Sox Training Academy
6200 River Bend Dr.
Lisle, IL 60532
Fee: $95.00 / Person for Full Workshop. $45.00 forEducation Students
Registration From
Purpose: Professional Development / Exergame Education Workshop forPE teachers, Administrators, Superintendants. School and After-School programs.Non-Profits. Foundations.
Description: This Professional Development / Exergame Education Workshopshows you the exciting possibilities of how using technology, combined withgames and physical activity, can enhance and enrich the lives of generations.
The workshop will be located at the state-of-the-art Chicago BullsSox Training Academy in Lisle, IL, featuring the best Exergaming / Active Gamefacility in the world.
Teachers who attend the pre-conference will hear information fromleaders in the field about how ExerGaming can help educators to be even moreeffective in reaching our youth. Participants will find this full-dayExerGaming pre-conference fun, educational, and invaluable in helping topromote high-quality physical education and physical activity to maximize theeducational experience.
Topics include:
· Medicalview on how a sedentary lifestyle is impacting our children with life-longdisease.
· Asuccessful School and Community Model overview, showing results of improvedacademics, improved disciplinary incidents, and improved health and fitnessscores.
· ImplementingTechnology and Exergaming in your facility. Putting knowledge into practice.
· How do we prove it is working? Usingtechnology to revolutionize physical education.
· Timein vs. Time Out. Help students with ADHD and other behavior issues decreaseimpulsivity and improve learning. Explains the physiology of the attentionsystem.
· Qualityteaching in a Physical Education setting, which meets the NASP standards andpromotes lifelong fitness.
· Howto Raise and go after funding for your program!
Presenters Include
· Dan Lawler, Ph. D. – RetiredPrincipal
· Stephen P. Yang, Ph. D.- SUNYCortland College
· Lisa Witherspoon, Ph. D. –University of South Florida
· Ernie Medina, Jr., Dr. PH, CHFS –Preventative Medicine Specialist
· George Velarde – California PhysicalEducator of the Year
· Sharon Warren – Polar ElectroEducation
· Dave Kurland – Chicago BullsDirector
Please join us for this one of a kind event where you canlearn the potential of implementing technology and Exergaming into yourfacility.
More about DuPage County PE Institute Day in Naperville