The USCG Base Kodiak Teen Center located in the Northern Lights Recreation Facility (Base Gym) recently made some new additions to their facility! Their Teen Center is one of only four Coast Guard teen centers to maintain an affiliation agreement with the Boys & Girls Club of America (BGCA), which allows our staff to tap into the excellent programs and opportunities through the Boys and Girls Clubs of America.
Recently they wanted to improve on their Healthier Lifestyle goals with the iWall interactive fitness wall. The iWall is a motion capture technology where the participants body movements make them feel like they are a part of the game!
Exergaming, which combines exercise with video gaming, can be highly beneficial to the military’s Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) programs for kids. Here are several reasons why:
1. Physical Fitness
Exergaming encourages physical activity in a fun and engaging way. This is particularly important for military children who may experience frequent relocations and may not always have immediate access to consistent physical education programs.
2. Mental Health and Well-being
Exergaming can help reduce stress and anxiety, providing a healthy outlet for children who might be dealing with the challenges of having a parent deployed or the uncertainties of military life. Physical activity is known to boost mood and mental health, and exergaming makes exercise enjoyable.
3. Social Interaction
Many exergaming systems support multiplayer modes, encouraging kids to interact and play together. This can be especially valuable in fostering friendships and social skills among children in military communities who often have to form new social connections due to relocations.
Contact us to learn more and see if the iWall can improve your teen fitness center programs!