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Cutting-Edge Fitness for Organizations & Health Centers

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Tag: trade show

Exergame Events: America’s Leadership Conference 2017

Today our sales team happily returns home back in Chicago, after a long week of trade shows. Late last week we returned to the annual IHRSA Fitness Industry trade show. Directly after this show ended we traveled north to San Fransisco for the 2017 Hilton ALC – America’s Leadership Conference.  This conference had tons of speakers and suppliers exhibit different products, services,…

Exergame Events: IHRSA 2017 & Reaxing Fitness

Last week our sales team made the journey out to California to the annual IHRSA Fitness Industry show in Los Angeles. Unlike last year, we did attend as an exhibitor with a booth, but rather a to browse the show. This gave us a better chance to network, check out new products/technologies, and as well as catch up on the industry…

Reaxing Fitness & Polar Tracking – Naperville Fitness Show 2017

Last week we once again attended the Sport & Fitness trade show at the Naperville High School in Naperville, IL. An annual tradition of giving students and institute day and allowing companies and organizations from the sports & fitness industry, to present products/concepts. Since this is in our neck of the woods we try to make it to this show every…

2017 America’s Leadership Conference – Exergame & Hilton Fitness

The Exergame team is getting ready to head out to California to attend the 2017 America’s Leadership Conference in San Fransisco. We are presenting two excellent products to show off the concept of Exergaming, the T-Wall 64 and the MotionMagix Floor/Wall units. These two interactive fitness pieces are perfect for looking at the wide variety and range of Exergaming equipment that is available. Our T-Wall shows…

2016 IAAPA Expo & Athletic Business Shows

We have officially been done with exhibiting at trade shows for a little over a month now. Our last trade show we were present at was the 2016 NRPA Conference in St. Louis last month. Take a look at our media gallery of that event here, it was a great time and we met some dedicated individuals. To finish our…

2016 NRPA Conference: Follow-Up & Thanks

  Another year, another NRPA Conference, and another successful trade show for Exergame Fitness. We exhibited at the 2016 NRPA Conference at booth #2604 – showing the parks and rec experts what interactive fitness and exergaming can do for their kids & communities. Located close to home for us, this year’s conference was held in St. Louis, MO, giving us the…

Exergame Locations: Sidney-Shelby County YMCA

2 weeks ago we were at preparing for the opening of the 2016 YMCA General Assembly, and now we are taking some time to look back on the event. One of the biggest highlights was having the wonderful folks over at the Sidney-Shelby County YMCA purchase our T-Wall 64 trade show floor model! It doesn’t happen too often we sell a…

2016 YMCA General Assembly Exergaming Highlights

It has now been about a week since the 2016 YMCA General Assembly in Kansas City. Now that we were able to take a breather as well as all the attendees and vistors, it is time to think about how the show went! First of all, we must say thank you again to every single person that made it to our booth…

Exergame Fitness at YMCA General Assembly 2016

Every 3 years the YMCA Association holds their own YMCA General Assembly, and we are excited to once again be apart of this fantastic gathering of passionate people. The Assembly focuses on youth fitness and development like many of the YMCAs across the nation do, the YMCA association sees the importance in investing in our youth for the future. Exergame…

Post IHRSA 2016 Wrap-Up

First of all, let us say thank you to IHRSA and everyone that helped make the trade show possible and a success. It was a time to remember for all! Now that we have had some time to settle down after the trade show and everyone else has had time to let the experience settle in, it’s time to finally wrap-up…

Exergame Fitness Partners at IHRSA 2016

As IHRSA approaches closer and closer every day, we get more and more excited. One of the most exciting aspects of us attending this year is the amount of our partners and friends that will be in attendance. As a distributor of interactive fitness products we offer a wide range of products, so to be able to physically see that will…

“Our Kids Need Help & So Do You!” – IAPD Presentation 2016

Exergame Fitness Presentation at IAPD 2016 Exergame was happy to support this years Illinois Park and Recreation Association Show by sponsoring a guest speaker with a hot topic. International health and fitness consultant Jarrod Saracco and our very own Parker Johnson focused on new and trending solutions to engage our younger generations and fight childhood obesity and inactivity.  They also…

Exergame Fitness is leading a new movement incorporating technology into fitness. We provide a new way to engage people in fitness, through gamification and technology. By doing this, we create socially engaging, supportive, and inviting fitness communities worldwide


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