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Cutting-Edge Fitness for Organizations & Health Centers

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Tag: touchwall

Exergame, A Place for All Abilities at the Boys & Girls Club
Exergame, A Place for All Abilities at the Boys & Girls Club

At the Boys & Girls Club of Toledo, one of the hardest things for them to be able to do; was finding something that ALL ages and ALL ability levels could play. This is why Exergame became a perfect fit for their club. Exergaming at your Boys & Girls Club has the potential to make physical activity more enjoyable and…

“Kids Are Talking” About Exergame at the BGC
“Kids Are Talking” About Exergame at the BGC

Exergame at the BGC: Kids’ opinions about exercising and exergames can vary depending on their individual interests, personalities, and experiences. At the Boys & Girls Club of Toledo, kids continue to talk with each other about their new Exergame room.  This helps bring in new kids, members, or even field trips to have the interactive fitness experience.  The more the kids…

Boys & Girls Club Membership Growth Post Pandemic
Boys & Girls Club Membership Growth Post Pandemic

Exergaming, or the combination of exercise and gaming, has become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to make physical activity more engaging and enjoyable. By incorporating exergaming into your facility’s recruitment strategy, you can attract new members and promote a fun and interactive atmosphere. Here’s how exergaming can be used to recruit new members at your facility: 1.…

BGC Workout Partner Becomes Lifelong Fitness Friend
BGC Workout Partner Becomes Lifelong Fitness Friend

While being at the Boys & Girls Club of America, they will do whatever it takes to build great futures for America’s young people. With the introduction of Exergames at a variety of BGC’s, we have seen a tremendous increase in workout buddies. This BGC program promotes healthy lifestyles and physical activity through sports leagues, fitness classes, and nutrition education.…

Kids that Love Technology Love Physical Activity
Kids that Love Technology Love Physical Activity

Exergaming, also known as video game-based exercise, can be a great option for kids that love technology and may be more likely to engage in physical activity if it involves the use of technology. Firstly, exergaming can make exercise more appealing and engaging for tech-savvy kids by incorporating technology and video games into physical activity. Instead of traditional exercises that…

Initial Reaction Is Everything with Exergaming at BGC
Initial Reaction Is Everything with Exergaming at BGC

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Toledo programs are carefully designed to support the achievement of the Youth Development Outcomes for their young people leaving their Clubs at 18.  Getting a good reaction from kids when they first see exergaming can be something important for a few reasons: Engagement: When children are engaged and interested in something, they are more…

Exergame Fitness is leading a new movement incorporating technology into fitness. We provide a new way to engage people in fitness, through gamification and technology. By doing this, we create socially engaging, supportive, and inviting fitness communities worldwide


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