Midtown Athletic Club in Bannockburn IL teamed up with Exergame Fitness to fix kids fitness at their club. Always a leading organization in fitness, Midtown Athletic Club – Bannockburn took it upon themselves to be at the forefront of the industry, which meant bringing in new ways to engage the youngest generation to live a healthy and active lifestyle. To accomplish their goal, they installed some of Exergame’s top products in their Kidtown facility: TWall, EyePlay, and HeavyBall.
How has their investment worked out for them so far? According to Midtown Athletic Club, it’s been a huge success. “[The kids] absolutely love it!” and “Kids can’t keep their hands off the T-Wall from @ExergameFitness. #activekids #letsmove” are just a couple of the tweets sent out from Midtown since they installed the Exergame equipment. The club even expanded the room by adding the Pavigym Sprint 3.0 in November.
One way they have been able to utilize the room is with youth fitness classes like their Game On! class. This helps teach the kids how to use the equipment, play the games, and feel more comfortable at their club.
And the excitement and success is growing as Midtown Athletic Club in Rochester plans to bring a TWall to their Kid’s Club. It’s great seeing clubs dedicated to the next generation and to getting people active no matter what their age. Check out Midtown Athletic Club Bannockburn’s and other clubs, schools, and organizations photos of their Exergame solutions here.