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Cutting-Edge Fitness for Organizations & Health Centers

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Tag: adult wellness

Functional Fitness Training with Interactive Exergame Products

  Thanks for stopping by Booth #613 to see first hand some of the newest Exergame equipment.  In this space we discuss a little more about some of the functional training pieces available through Exergame.  These pieces are not only great for motivating the non-motivated teen/tween, but the are perfect for adult training as well.  Things like small group training,…

YMCA General Assembly Is Today! Stop by Booth 613 to Visit Exergame

The time is finally here!  YMCAs across the country continue to invest in exergaming and interactive fitness options for their members. For programs focusing on Youth Development, Healthy Living, and Social Responsibility, Exergaming is the solution for you! The trade show opens TODAY!  So stop on by Booth 613 to learn more about how fitness gaming solutions can enhance your…

YMCA GA 2019 – Where Fitness and Gaming Come Together at Booth 613

As a YMCA, a heavy focus is on Youth Development, Healthy Living, and Social Responsibility.  It is a goal within all YMCA’s to help not only the adults stay active, but the kids as well.  With the combination of Fitness and Gaming, you offer an opportunity for Youth Fitness, Adult Wellness, and Family Fun! Checkout this facility on how they…

How c and Gaming Can Impact Membership

The single greatest advantage interactive fitness and exergaming has over traditional forms of exercise is that they’re not just physical activities — they’re also a form of fun!  Exergames and similar activity-based video games offer participants a much higher level of engagement than regular exercise, which significantly reduces the level of perceived exertion in players. As a result of interactive…

Get Interactive at YMCA General Assembly 2019 with Exergame Booth #613

  We had an amazing time at the 2016 YMCA General Assembly, and we are very much looking forward to YMCA General Assembly 2019 in Anaheim, CA! YMCAs across the country continue to invest in interactive fitness and exergame options for their facility members. Exergames are the perfect solution for programs focusing on Youth Development, Healthy Living, and Social Responsibility.…

From NRPA Show to Install, Fitness and Gaming at Hilton Head

  The NRPA Annual Conference is where people who are passionate about not only parks and recreation, but also conservation, health, landscape architecture; people like Leah Arnold. In meeting with Leah Arnold the Recreation Director at the Hilton Head Island Parks and Recreation, she expressed her desire to bring something new and fun to fitness for their youth.  Enter Exergame…

Park District Recreation Program for Youth, Teens, and Families

The NRPA, (National Recreation and Park Association) is the leading non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of public parks, recreation and conservation.  The NRPA Annual Conference is where people who are passionate about not only parks and recreation, but also conservation, health, landscape architecture.  Here we met with Hilton Head Island Recreation program on bringing the concept of Exergame and…

NRPA – From Concept to Completion with Exergame Park District Program

The NRPA, (National Recreation and Park Association) is the leading non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of public parks, recreation and conservation.  The NRPA Annual Conference is where people who are passionate about not only parks and recreation, but also conservation, health, landscape architecture. It was here a few years ago that we met the Hilton Head Parks and Recreation…

What is Fitness Gaming Technology and Entertainment in 30 Seconds?

Fitness gaming (also known as interactive gaming) is a proven method to get both kids, and adults engaged in fitness through technology.  Youth Centers that have introduced fitness gaming to their programs have seen a 33% increase in activity, as interactive video gaming is an activity children genuinely like to do with their friends, and individually. The greatest advantage fitness gaming and exergaming has…

Increase Family Memberships With Active Gaming Options for Youth

KidRec opened in July 2016 to meet the needs of the FitRec families in the community of Palos Hills. This new addition offers unlimited KidRec visits, open times for families to enjoy together, and additional classes and programs designed to encourage your children ages 3 months to 15 years to stay active and have fun!  One of the core pieces…

Birthday Parties, Summer Camps, and Family Fitness with Exergaming

FitRec located in Palos Hills, IL invites all families with kids 3 months-15 years old to come explore 9,000 sq. ft. of new dedicated youth and family program space. One of the showcase areas is their Exergame Room. Here they host things like birthday parties, summer camps, drop in programs, family fitness nights, and many more. Checkout out this video…

Exergame Fitness is leading a new movement incorporating technology into fitness. We provide a new way to engage people in fitness, through gamification and technology. By doing this, we create socially engaging, supportive, and inviting fitness communities worldwide


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