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Cutting-Edge Fitness for Organizations & Health Centers

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Functional Fitness Training with Interactive Exergame Products


Thanks for stopping by Booth #613 to see first hand some of the newest Exergame equipment.  In this space we discuss a little more about some of the functional training pieces available through Exergame.  These pieces are not only great for motivating the non-motivated teen/tween, but the are perfect for adult training as well.  Things like small group training, personal training, and even senior classes can be integrated with this type of equipment.  Learn more below.

The REAX STATION combines the REAXING philosophy together with the needs of a Fitness Club: ready-to-use stations where the users are guided to work out independently in an original, fun and functional way.

This Heavyball game is a fresh alternative for full body strength & cardio workouts. Great for lateral movement & squats. How fast can you grab the ball, find the lighted tube, & drop it in?

With runBEAT, personal fitness levels don’t matter: you can run side by side with others, while runBEAT keeps track of everyone’s progress. The avatars on the screen react immediately to the changes in the runners’ speeds, providing instant feedback.

3 Kick.  Punch and Kick For A Seriously Fun Workout! Just kick & punch where the light goes. 3 Kick is designed with foam pads that can be punched, kicked, slapped, or tapped.

Aviron connects you with others, holds you accountable to your goals, and provides that extra motivation to work out more often and with greater intensity.

tWall – Train for power, agility, endurance, & more. As the most robust model, the TWall 64 is the largest TWall model with the most training surface available.

Learn more about how functional exergame training can be added to your YMCA for Youth Fitness, Adult Wellness, and Family Fun!


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Exergame Fitness is leading a new movement incorporating technology into fitness. We provide a new way to engage people in fitness, through gamification and technology. By doing this, we create socially engaging, supportive, and inviting fitness communities worldwide


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