Aaron Morgan Active Therapy is a registered provider that supports people with disabilities. They are committed to, and abide by, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Practice Standards and the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission requirements. Recently Active Therapy implemented the FIT Interactive Jump Q to their programming. This fitness product is one of our favorites because of what it can offer your facility and those who workout there, whether that means athletes or beginners. Not only is it unique, but it’s also a versatile option. A great way to enhance speed, agility, vertical jumping ability and quickness is the Jump Q. Whether the person is older, younger, new to working out, or more advanced, this fitness product will provide him or her with results. With its unique design and interactive game play, the Jump Q is a tremendous teaching tool in the recent popularity of plyometrics.
The Jump Q enhances the body’s ability to train the fast twitch muscle fibers. This fitness product provides athletes with beneficial attributes. It is a distinct advantage for athletes because he or she can become more agile and increasing speed. This type of training will help them to respond more quickly to demands on the playing field.