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Cutting-Edge Fitness for Organizations & Health Centers

Success Stories: Bloomington YMCA Exergaming

It has now been a few months since we brought Exergaming over to the Bloomington YMCA and they have been very successful with their youth programs ever since! The Bloomington, IL YMCA received an EyePlay Floor system and a 4-player iDance 2 system for their youth fitness and youth recreation programs. Both of these systems of perfect for engaging kids who may not be…

Moraine Valley: Drop In Exergaming

Yesterday we got the chance to visit a recent installation location for a follow-up, at the Moraine Valley Community College. Last month we installed an Exergaming space in their childcare center at their FitRec Center on campus. This is an area where children can come for a childcare or ‘daycare’ style of play, and even has spaces for games like…

2016 IAAPA Expo & Athletic Business Shows

We have officially been done with exhibiting at trade shows for a little over a month now. Our last trade show we were present at was the 2016 NRPA Conference in St. Louis last month. Take a look at our media gallery of that event here, it was a great time and we met some dedicated individuals. To finish our…

Exergame Salutes the Marine Corps Birthday & Military Personal

Tomorrow on the 10th of November marks the 241st birthday for the United States Marine Corps. First of all we would like to thank all of those in all armed forces who are serving our great country. Please watch the video below – a message from the Marines to show thanks. The General of the United States Marine Corps, Robert B.…

2016 Exergame Youth Obesity Report

Youth Fitness & Childhood Obesity have been two huge focuses of Exergame Fitness since the beginning. It has been awhile since we have touched on this so we put together a short infographic (below) that highlights some of the alarming statistics of childhood obesity in our nation. If you would like to view the full resolution version of the infographic,…

Exergame Locations: Countryside YMCA

Last week we finally were able to make it over to Lebanon, Ohio to put together the exergaming room at the Countryside YMCA. The Countryside YMCA will be (currently under construction) the largest YMCA in the nation, so we are very excited to have an exergaming & interactive fitness room there. Even better – the exergaming room will be featured right…

End of the Year Exergaming Sales & Specials 2016

As we come to the close of October and enter into November and the cold seasons, it is time to think ahead to the end of the year. Around this time of year, we like to begin to offer end of the year sales & specials on exergaming & interactive fitness equipment. Not every fitness center or organization has the…

2016 NRPA Conference: Follow-Up & Thanks

  Another year, another NRPA Conference, and another successful trade show for Exergame Fitness. We exhibited at the 2016 NRPA Conference at booth #2604 – showing the parks and rec experts what interactive fitness and exergaming can do for their kids & communities. Located close to home for us, this year’s conference was held in St. Louis, MO, giving us the…

Exergame Marketing: Exxon Mobil Event

Recently Exergame Fitness was able to assist in another great corporate marketing event, this time with Exxon Mobil! With all the recent marketing events we have helped out with recently, including our 2nd annual T-Wall at NASCAR and a T-Wall at a grand opening of a Reebok store, this is very exciting to be a part of. Check out our other…

Reebok Uses Interactive Fitness in South Korea

We can’t help but be ecstatic about sharing news about the exergaming world sometimes, and this is one of those times. Recently a marketing company was hired by Reebok to promote a new storefront in a sort of “Michigan Avenue” style area, lots of brand name shops. Check out the photo gallery of the store here – there is a preview of…

5 Functional Fitness Movements Everybody Needs to Know

When it comes to working out at any level, knowing the fundamental movements and exercises are key. Not only for having an effective workout but also to prevent yourself from being injured during a casual to an intense workout session. Functional fitness is a growing fitness trend that is extremely popular because of its simplicity with bodyweight and very light…

Exergame Locations: Lansdale YMCA

After the 2016 YMCA General Assembly, our first installation job was at a YMCA of all places, another lucky Y to invest in the world of exergaming! The Lansdale YMCA just had their Exergame room installed filled with tons of interactive fitness products. They had an awesome interactive climbing wall and some cardio pieces already present in the room, and with…

Exergame Fitness is leading a new movement incorporating technology into fitness. We provide a new way to engage people in fitness, through gamification and technology. By doing this, we create socially engaging, supportive, and inviting fitness communities worldwide


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